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All proceeds from merchandise purchases go to the launch of Constructing a Difference (CAD) and all future programs associated with CAD. The residential construction industry has largely avoided its role in climate change. Nomad Builders wants to aid in drawing attention to changes that can be made now to help reduce residential housing’s massive effects on climate change. We want to start a local education series for builders and homeowners taught by home efficiency and sustainability professionals called “Builders Engaged in Climate Action” (BECA). This will serve to educate builders, architects, homeowners and trade professionals in impact minimization, efficient building practices, and the role construction plays in a changing climate.
Second, Nomad Builders has long term goals to provide solutions and funding for the homeless in Salt Lake City. Builders hold the key to affordable housing and we should all be doing our part to provide affordable solutions for our homeless populations. Nomad Builders will be revamping a former 501(c)(3) project known as Constructing a Difference to raise funds for Utah homeless outreach. Initial outreach will be through donations to existing organizations and programs until we have our own pilot programs in place. Our current goal is to raise $700 to relaunch CAD as a 501(c)(3) here in Salt Lake City to begin partnering with local outreach organizations and hosting BECA seminars. Please contact if you can assist with establishing collaborations.
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